Pink Rose
Pink Rose
The Pink Rose pipe is a unique creation crafted from rare oak wood sourced from the forests of Plitvice Lakes National Park in Croatia. This region, renowned for its breathtaking landscapes and crystal-clear lakes, has been a protected area for centuries, where oak trees thrived undisturbed for hundreds of years. The wood used for this pipe comes from trees that reached the end of their natural life cycle, emphasizing its ecological and sustainable origin.
The design is inspired by the delicacy of a rose—the soft pink hues on the pipe’s surface were achieved through a special staining technique that enhances the natural wood grain. Its crystalline shape not only adds aesthetic value but also ensures exceptional comfort during use.
• Origin: Centuries-old oak from Plitvice Lakes National Park, Croatia—a region rich in natural and cultural heritage
• Material: Oak wood expertly shaped into a refined form
• Inspiration: The symbolism of the rose—elegance and sophistication
• Craftsmanship: Handcrafted by skilled artisans with a love for detail
• Features: Durable construction, smooth texture, and a distinctive pink tint
The Pink Rose is not just a pipe—it’s a piece of nature and history, bringing you not only an aesthetic experience but also a sense of connection to the unique landscape from which it originates.